Tuesday 21 February 2012

Soohyun's and Eli's Birthday Project

Hello everyone!

We've decided to combine with @FlyWithEli to make 2 scrapbooks for Eli adn Soohyun (1 each)
Their birthday is coming really soon! Each of the scrapbook will contain these things:
- Pictures of Eli and Soohyun
- Messages from KISS MEs
- Lists of donators
But, we still have a problem as we need donations for the scrapbook. We need some money for the printing cost, and the postage fee. It'll be great if you can help us to donate. You can send it via PayPal or Xoom. You can donate as many as you want. 1$ would be accepted too. I repeat, you can donate as many as you want. Let's say we've EXTRA money, we'll make a scrapbook for other U-KISS members too! If you're interested to make some donation, please leave a comment on the comment box BELOW. With these things:

Name, and twitter username.

Example: Eli, @u_kisseli

OR mention our twitter. (@Lifetime4UKISS)
OR this fanbase. (@FlyWithEli)

Thank You and please spread this! *bows* (^^)

1 comment:

  1. Im interested in making a donation
    Admin E of @lifetime4ukiss
